The Ant and the Grasshopper

Shareourquotes - is a phrase used to describe a story that is shared as a source of inspiration or motivation.

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The ant and the grasshopper were best friends with very different personalities. The grasshopper would spend his days sleeping or playing his guitar while the ant would collect food and build his ant hill. Every now and then, the grasshopper would tell the ant to take a break. However, the ant would refuse and continue to complete his work. Soon winter came making the days and nights cold. One day the colony of ants were busy trying to dry some grains of corn. The grasshopper who was extremely weak and hungry came up to the ants and asked "Can you please give me a piece of corn?" the ant replied "We worked hard for this corn all summer while you relaxed, why should we give it to you?" The grasshopper was so busy singing and sleeping that he didn't have enough food to last winter. The grasshopper realized his mistake. Moral of the Story: Make use of opportunity while you have it

Overall, shareourquotes story of the day can be a great way to boost one's mood, encourage positive thinking, and help people stay motivated and focused on their goals.