The Fox and the Stork

Shareourquotes - is a phrase used to describe a story that is shared as a source of inspiration or motivation.

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Once there was a Fox and a stork. The Fox was selfish but he decided to invite the stork for dinner. The Stork was extremely happy to be invited and she reached his house on time. The Fox opened the door and invited her in. They sat on the table; The Fox served her some soup in shallow bowls. While the fox licked up his soup, the Stork couldn't drink it because she has a long beak and the bowl was too shallow. The next day, the Stork invited the fox over for dinner. She Served him soup as well but in two narrow vases. While the Stork enjoyed her soup and finished it, the fox went home very hungry realizing his mistake. Moral of the Story: Don’t be selfish because it will come back to you at some point

Overall, shareourquotes story of the day can be a great way to boost one's mood, encourage positive thinking, and help people stay motivated and focused on their goals.